Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Busy Busy Busy

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been very busy these past 7 days. I have been in the apartment for about a week and a half. Shortly after that my aunt, uncle, and two little cousins came to visit me from Paris. That was very enjoyable and tiring. I finally got to meet my littlest cousin for the first time, who took to me immediately. I think they like having a big cousin (the girls are 5 and 9).

These past few days I have been trying to process all of the stock footage I have been shooting. Overall, my task is 3 fold. 1) General stock footage for anyone to use. 2) Stories of missionary efforts. 3) My story.

So currently it has been stock footage and b-roll for SfC Brussels. The first full story I am shooting is with IMM in Madrid. I leave for that Sunday. It's exciting!

That being said, I've hit a bit a rough patch that is out of my control. My phone being broken and the replacement stuck in customs isn't that big of a deal. Well, it is, but there is something worse to deal with. What is a big deal is that AGWM has sent me NO funding. I should have received the first two months worth when I came with payday being on the 10th starting the third month. This is a problem. A big problem. I'm thankful that I do have my own money I was going to use anyway, so I do have a little to survive on. Hopefully both of these issues are resolved quickly.

Anyway, sorry for the lack of update. I've been very busy and not to mention a bit frustrated. But at this point i can only leave it in the Hands of God and get back to doing what I am supposed to be doing. Which today unfortunately is staring at a computer and running stock footage through After Effects. So I cannot to much else.

So please keep me in your prayers. If the money issue isn't resolved then this is going to be a very short trip.

My Uncle Shaun and Aunt Bea.

Elena hiding behind here markers.

Olivia holding up the drawing I made

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