Thursday, January 31, 2013

Update time

Yes, yes. I am fully aware that I have not updated in some time. But for those of you who are wondering, I AM STILL TRYING TO DO THIS. I'll make this happen. Okay, God is the one who will make it happen.

Anyway, allow me to explain this past year a bit. It was a rough with some of the worst depression I had to face near the end. I felt very abandoned by God. In the wake of my depression, this kind of got shoved aside. In fact, I dreaded the thought of it. Long story short, I was in very bad shape.

Then the year had renewed. And with the change of the year, I felt something else had changed. Ultimately, it can be attributed to God. That being said, I am not entirely sure what changed. My outlook did.

But now to the matter at hand. EUROPE IS STILL HAPPENING. After crunching the numbers a few times (for I am horrible at math), I have determined that I currently have a few months of support ready to go. This is very good news. I just need some monthly supporters. I currently need about $10,000. Still a big number. But honestly that is 10 people giving $100 a month or a one time donation of $1000.  That is quite a bit to raise, and getting others willing to aid me has not been an easy task. One of the things I have been trying to do is get in touch with some of the local AoG churches in hopes that they are willing to give a helping hand.

So please keep this and myself in your prayers. One of these days I'll do an update from Brussels. Let us hope that its in the next few months.

Thank you all for your support.


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