Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Raising Support

As you are aware, I need to raise funds for my documentary missions trip to Brussels/Europe. It has not been an easy task, and I'm not one who can easily go out of his way to ask for money. I'm quiet and quite shy, so this task is even more difficult for me.

But the fact is, I need money. There is no other way for me to say it. Here is a cost break down

  • Monthly: $1400
  • Initial Expenses: $5117 (travel, visa, insurance, first month support, etc)
So multiply the monthly (not including the one in the initial expenses) by 10 and add in the $5117 and that brings us to $19.117 in total that I need to raise.  Yeah, that's a lot. Its about the same as a semester of college and a whole lot more that I have in the bank.

This whole process is very discouraging, and it isn't easy for me to ask for help. But, I feel that this is what God is leading me to do right now. At the time of this posting, I barely have enough to get me over there. It's a start, but that isn't enough to keep going. I need at least 3 months worth of support before I can head over to Brussels. If you cannot give finically, please pray for me and this trip.

Also, seeing how I'm going over to make a documentary, I thought it only appropriate to make a video as well. It depicts where I have come from and where I am trying to go.

If you are still not entirely sure as to what I am doing, check the "About" section. It should have details on what I am doing.

Thank you and God bless.

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